Chloe` has been spitting up a lot more than what is normal...I mean, sometimes it goes a few feet and it happens a lot. It started about a week ago. At first I thought I had eaten something that was bothering her but it continued so I took her to the Doctor today. She has the symptoms of Pyloric stenosis; the muscle at the bottom of the stomach gets too tight and thick so the food can't empty out properly. Other symptoms are sleepiness, jaundice, belching, change in stool and dehydration and loss of weight. She seems to have all of these except for loss of weight, she is 10 lbs 7 oz now! So...Thursday morning she will be getting an upper GI and if it is confirmed she will need surgery right away. To top it off the poor little thing has thrush!
Wednesday morning Grace Anne will be getting evaluated for speech delay and possible autism. Those of you who read this, please pray that all involved will have wisdom and that no matter what happens God will get all the glory and be honored. I want my girls to be healthy and perfect just like any mom and realize that these "troubles" are very minor, yet, I still find myself wondering "what if"?
Thank you Father for being the perfect Father and in control of everything!