black and white

Monday, July 25, 2011

Two types of cancer

There are two types of cancer within the many kinds that plague this earth. One attacks the physical body and the other the spirit and mind. They have so much in common.  Each person can look whole, their bodies covering the illness hiding inside . They both have good days and bad days.  Both affect the family, the children, the spouse. Both affect the person's job. Both affect the quality of life....drastically. They are both potentally dieing. In both cases the future is so uncertain, especially for the family.
And yet, one is fought with medical teams, friends and family on a mission to conquer and support in finances and continuous prayers. The other though, is fought silently, within the walls of the home, with most who know the person not knowing about the deadly attacker that is lerking. And if it was discovered what would be the response? Usually it is something like, "It's not that bad, it will go away." or  "It's just selfishness, get over it." without understanding what kind of death is really taking place. The immediate family in this case, endures alone. Usually the spouse takes on double the responsabilities and tries to cover for the one suffering, trying to make things look "normal"...

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