On to the pictures...
Chloe` chewing on her thumb
Grace Anne's first fishing trip. While Selah and Abby were in PA, Daddy took her fishing. They caught one little pan fish but honestly, she had more fun with the "wormies".
What a cutie!!!
My little fish'n girl
One the road...going to get her sisters...she was soooo excited to see them again!
Chloe` did a good job with the almost 10 hour trip. Veggie Tales helped!
We don't have a bathtub (yes, with 4 little ones it isn't something I recommend) so the girls absolutely love taking baths and took one every day at Nanna and Paps.
Grace Anne was bathed and had her clean jammies on when Abby yelled, "Mommy, Grace Anne wants another bath"....hmmm.
Our beautiful Abby Lynne.
Grace Anne at the park
Here I come!
Big sister Selah having some fun!
Here is our athletic Abby. She got the hang of the little rock climbing wall and would zip up and down it with no problem!
Nanna and Chloe` kisses!
Grace Anne getting a close up look of some of the fish at the zoo.
My little cubs
A potato artist.
Neal's parents dug their potatoes while the girls were out. Selah and Abby found a couple that looked like they had eyes...real Veggie Tales! So they had fun coloring them.
Abby's had toes too!
One of the last large harvests from our garden. We made zucchini relish...yummo!
When Chloe` was 4 months old we got the Jump-a-roo out. She LOVES to jump but tires herself out right quick and will fall asleep.
The apple jacket. It was fun to make..I may be making them for a market next apple season...
I offered to make one for Neal so that when he takes an apple to work it doesn't get bumped and bruised but he wasn't interested. I can't imagine why! Ha ha!
Watermelon faces
Ahh...Grace Anne got a marker.
Pumpkin painting.
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared
for those who love Him"
1 Corinthians 2:9
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